Everyone grows old.
Day by day, our bodies wear.
But the age-old question is can we slow down or prevent aging?
As we walk, sit, stand, bend, stretch, and move, our bodies will feel the effects over time. This is a natural process that every human and animal goes through.
However, what many people do not realize is that there are lifestyle behaviors that can alter the aging process, both in good and in bad ways.
Aging and inflammation go hand in hand, but there are preventable choices that can help our bodies to age slower and more gracefully.
Read below to learn more about what most of us are doing every day to make the aging process work and what we can do to make it better.

1. Be active at work
Sedentary and un-active lifestyles are what kill most people. Studies show that people who spend at least 6 hours a day sitting are more likely to die early and their risk for cancer is increased. Some studies even show standing up every 30 minutes throughout the day can have similar health benefits as quitting smoking.
It’s not just about getting great exercise, but preventing long periods of sitting. Some have even said that “sitting is the new smoking.”
By standing regularly, you will take pressure off your spine and allow your body to rest in a more natural position. Most people many not realize that sitting for long periods of time actually puts the spine an unnatural resting position.
Tips: Move every half hour. Walk around the office twice a day. Try to get a standing desk at your work.

2. Increase your cardio and stretch
When you can get your heart rate higher and force your body to work for oxygen, it will help your body train itself to be healthy. Blood circulation will also help to prevent heart disease and other diseases.
The aging process is many times associated with the muscle mass and strength in the body. If the body declines in strength and mass, it will have negative effects everywhere.
It’s very important to not only exercise and do cardio for 30 mins a day, but also to take a few minutes to stretch your muscles and lengthen. Fitness is not just about running, lifting, and punching. It’s about being long, limber, and having good mobility.
Cardio and stretching regularly can also help you avoid injury, manage stress, increase circulation, prevent pain medication, increase recovery time, improve sleep, and boost your immune system to fight off sickness.

Cardio and stretching will also help your spine and prevent you from experiencing back pain and back injuries such as bulging discs, herniated discs, osteoarthritis, and more. In addition, having massages, acupuncture and other kinds of treatment after exercising can also help you recover and strengthen your body.
Tips: Exercise at least 3 times a week for 30 mins or more and stretch your body before and after activities.
3. Get some sleep
Sleep can make a HUGE difference in your performance and the recovery of your body from long days, strenuous activity, stress, injury, and disease.
Sleep also allows your mind to relax, recharge, and process the events of the day. Sleep can also help your spine health and recovery from heavy use.
People who sleep less than five hours a night for five years are three times more likely to develop heart diseases, experience memory loss, and develop mood disorders such as anxiety and depression.
Tips: Do your best to sleep at least 7 hours a night. Take short cat naps when you can if you can’t get a full 7-8 hours of sleep.

4.Eat Cleaner
Bread, processed food, and food with high levels of sugar are the leading causes of inflammation, diabetes and heart diseases. When your body undergoes high levels of unnatural substances, it becomes inflamed in order to protect itself. This is the same idea as when your body swells after an injury.
When inflammation occurs, chemicals from the body’s white blood cells are released into the blood or affected tissues to protect your body from foreign substances. This release of chemicals increases the blood flow to the area of injury or infection, and may result in redness and warmth.

Regular occurrences of inflammation cause the body to age faster because it is working harder to prevent a disease or injury. In addition, if your body does not get the proper nutrients such as vitamins and minerals, your bones and your spine can be more susceptible to fracturing and other issues.
An anti-inflammatory diet helps your body recover quicker and perform at an optimal level. To eat anti-inflammatory, avoid foods that are high in sugars, high fructose corn syrup, and high sodium. Examples of these foods include: candy, ice-cream, french fries, fried foods, breads, and soda.
By limited carbs and sugars and replacing with natural foods such as veggies and fruits, your body will perform better.
Tips: Eat 2 cups of veggies a day, limit sugars and desserts, stay away from boxed food that has been processed to preserve it’s longevity.
5. Treat Injury and Pain Immediately
If an injury or pain is left untreated, the chances are that your condition will get MUCH worse. Pain is the body’s sign of warning and telling you that you need to get help or healing. If you blow through the warning signs and try to “tough it out” your body will age and wear at an accelerated pace.
To prevent aging in your back, neck, shoulders, legs, hands, feet, and muscles, you should seek medical help immediately when you experience any kind of an injury.

A Good Chiropractor can treat your injuries and help you get back to balance where your body is healthy enough to prevent future injuries.
Tips: If you experience an injury, see a medical professional immediately. Ice or put Heat to reduce swelling. Be sure to rest your body and allow your body to recover after an injury.
Tulsa Chiropractor and Health Coach
At Family Care Medical & Chiropractic, we understand the importance of living a healthy lifestyle and preventing aging. We coach many of our patients through injuries and recovery.
If you are hurting or if you would like some kind help with resetting your lifestyle to a healthier position, give us a call at 918-836-1900 to schedule an appointment at our Tulsa Chiropractic Office.