If you’ve been to a good chiropractor, then you can appreciate their bedside manner, their excellent service, their compassion, their great communication, and their ability to help you get quick results.
However, not everyone may actually know or understand what the signs of a good chiropractor or a bad chiropractor are.
Sadly, many patients go blindly to a doctor without really evaluating to see if they are actually getting the best care.
Read below for a few tips on how you can tell the difference between a good chiropractor and a bad one.
1. A good chiropractor will always do a thorough assessment of your health and your body.
The first appointment is usually a health assessment and is the most important step. Why? Because it will determine what treatments and health services you may need. A good chiropractor will ask you questions about your health history, take x-rays, perform light testing, and observe your body for signs of injury or pain. A bad chiropractor will rush through the examination process to just get you adjusted and then scheduled for your next appointment.
2. A good chiropractor will communicate clearly about their strategy to help you
Once an assessment has been done, it is important for you to understand the state of your body and what treatments you may need to improve. A good chiropractor will explain what x-rays and assessments show and then give you a clear plan of action on what they intend to do to help you. A good chiropractor will explain not just what you need but WHY you need it. A bad chiropractor will tell you to just trust them and will not give you the proper information to know why they are suggestion certain treatments. NEVER trust a chiropractor that does not explain themselves!

3. A good chiropractor will be sensitive to your pain and needs
Now that you’ve been given a treatment plan, the next step will be to get treated and adjusted. A good chiropractor will be careful to slowly work their way into treatments and to be discerning of your pain levels. A bad chiropractor will just jump into treatment and will not take the time to be sensitive to your pain through the treatment process. PAIN is the body’s sign of injury and that something is wrong. A good chiropractor will take notice of this and ask you often how you are feeling.
4. A good chiropractor will not settle for just “pain free”
The practical treatment process can take anywhere from a week to several months. A good chiropractor should know that just because you’re pain-free does not mean that your body is where it needs to be. A good chiropractor will work to restore your body to the healthiest position possible and will invest in your long-term health, even if that means recommending you to other health services or treatment opportunities. A good chiropractor will advise you to strengthen your muscles and to make lifestyle adjustments that will prevent injury. A bad chiropractor will only treat you for a limited time and will only be interested in just getting you back to where you were before.
5. A good chiropractor will use multiple treatments and will empower you
Once you’ve been to the chiropractor a few times, you should have experienced several different treatments to help you get healthy. A good chiropractor will combine treatment strategies and will be focused on a holistic approach of bettering your whole body such as through diet, exercise, and posture. A good chiropractor will also teach and give you exercises for your own self care and will try to get you to a place of health where you only need to see them once a month or even less. A bad chiropractor will use the same treatments over and over again and make you dependent upon their services for your back health. If you see your chiropractor multiple times every week for longer than just a few months, than you are probably going to the wrong chiropractor.

6. A good chiropractor will take notes and get to know you personally
It is a vulnerable process to go see a doctor and let them work on your body. A good chiropractor will get to know you on a personal level and make you feel comfortable throughout the process. A good chiropractor will also ask you questions and take the time to get to know your life, your body, your mind, your feelings, and your emotions. A bad chiropractor will not show empathy and will be more focused on getting you in and out of their office quickly. If they do not care about you personally, then they will not care about your body!!!
Schedule treatment with a Tulsa Chiropractor
Dr. Curtis Smith is THE best chiropractor in the Tulsa area. He is sensitive to your needs, he will communicate openly with you, he has a holistic approach, and he will take the time to get to know you. He is trustworthy and many others highly recommend his services. If you don’t have a Tulsa chiropractor that you can trust, give us a call at (918) 836-6454!